
Roommate survival: What it’s like to live with each zodiac sign

It’s time to think outside the box.

Whether you are sharing space with a parent or a partner, or engaging in what the kids call an “inflationship” or a platonic soulmate dynamic, knowing how to move around and in harmony with another person is one of life’s greatest challenges and richest rewards.

With surging rental prices and prison apartments becoming the new normal, many among us are signing up for the intimac⭕y born of close quarters and shared chores by shacking up with strangers or familiars in an attempt to save money.

To help navigate the trials and tribulations ofꦜ communal living, we bring you our guide to the zodiac signs as rooꦕmmates.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Aries is out here communicating boundaries loud and clear. Antonioguillem –

At their most aspirational, Aries folks are clear and direct, letting you know where you s༺tand༺ and what they expect from you as a roommate.

Ruled as they are by Mars, the planet of conflict and accomplishment, they will not resort to passive-aggressive tactics — no lowercase notes about dir♛ty dishes, nor cold shoulders if you drink their alt m🎶ilk.

They’llꦛ generally let you know immediately and at high volume what boundary has been crossed, which saves a lot of time and talk.

While they get over s–t quickly, you shouldn’t be expected to be at the mercy of their outbursts — and a baseline of calm communication w🃏ill help both parties evolve.

Most matters can be resolved with a jok🐭♌e or the suggestion of a friendly competition — racketball, yard work, whatever. 

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Tauruses hold court on the couch they can’t afford. nikodash –

Ruled b༒y Venus, planet of assets and aesthetics, bulls take their personꩲal pastures and daily care routines very, very seriously.

They need their rest and their food — and you will rue the day you 🐻compromise either.

The Kಞentucky man who shot his roommate over a Hot Po🍰cket? Apex Taurus on a snack wrath.

Taurus folk love to design and share a plush and thoughtfully lit common space and a beautiful meal, but tread ligh☂tlඣy when it comes to desecrating their temple with dirt, uncouth company, or loud music.

They never forgive anyone, ever, so your best bet is to behav💮e.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

A gaggle of Geminis realize talking about paying the water bill is not the same as paying the water bill. Antonioguillem –

Generally upbeat and always down to lend an ear, shoot the breeze, watch a documentary, analyze your situationship, or cheat at Boggle, Geminis view their roommates as subject matter.

There is no 🌱issue too large or banal to warrant🐻 discussion — if their energy begins to exhaust you, ask for space and take it.

They tend to operate under a “more the merrier” ethos, so you will likely encounter all manner of strangers at all hours of the day and night if you choose to cohabitate with a Gemini.

Be clear and be consistent with your needs/icks. The beauℱty of this kind of human being is that they te🦄nd to forget to be hurt and will welcome you back with open arms and minds when you decide you need another dose of their frenetic charms.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Sympathy gluttons, Cancer people make for excellent shoulders to cry on. Antonioguillem –

If your mom failed to give you the kind of love and attention that you deserved as a child, a Cancer roommate ♏may be juಞst the psychic balm you never knew you needed.

✤ജThey are fiercely protective of the ones they love, and if you play nice, you will always have a crab claw in your corner.

For all of their emotionality, they ar🧸e famously trash at expressing themselves, so expect sudden shifts in mood, social withdrawal, and 🌳the occasional deafening of their silent treatment.

Everything hurts their feelings — even the slightesꦐt injury — but most offenses can be aided by offerings of playlists and candles that smell like pie.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

A Leo with four strangers he brought home for dinner. contrastwerkstatt –

Leo is a su⭕n-ruled sign that expends a lot of energy in its external life.

As such, they need a home that allows them to ret⛄reat and recharge. The upswing of a Leo roommate is they a♐re inclusive, gregarious, and always offering an invitation to the unexpected.

The downswing is a beastly sense of entitlement and self-righteousness. Like the sun itself, lions are equally capable of warming or scorching. They can always be plied with compliment🌊s and an earnest beseechment of their ex💯pertise.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

A Virgo roommate keeping morale high and plants alive. Drazen –

If you value order, duty, and green thumbs, Virgo is a dream roommate.

As mutable earth, they are both practical and flexible (haters be damned). They want s–t to be kept neat and beautiful, but they want that for your benefit, too.

They’re also always open to being your life coach, helping you prioritize wellness and the quality of life you deserve.

Living with this ilk is a lesson in learning to be better forﷺ the betterment of all. Acts of service are catnip to these people — show you care by cleaning the kitchen or taking out the trash — a little goes a long way.

ꦏGenerally speaking, they are happy to pick up the slack — they ask only for🎉 the appreciation of their efforts.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

A Libra holds the wine glass she will never wash. webphotographeer

As a Venus-ruled air sign, Libras like to 💦live beautifully and discuss incessantly.

Prone to indecision and passive-aggressive tactics, they make pretty 🌠but can act ugly and often have the vibe of a Victori⛄an aristocrat — leaving their wine glasses on the nightstand, their cake dishes on the couch, their tapered candles burning through the early morning hours, and their Tinder date in the common areas for days on end.

Case in point: who lived among “concentric circles of garbage꧒” while sharing a home with Ben Affleck.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Two Scorpios enjoy a blessed silence. Antonioguillem –

Scorpios require and reve𝔉re persona🤪l space. This is the ideal match for someone looking to share living quarters but not every minute detail of their lives.

Scorpios make themselves a cave out of whatever home they occupy — you could go weeks without laying eyes on them, but can trust them to deliꦦver the rent money on time, even if you question how exactly they came abo𓄧ut it.

PSA: Do not touch their canned goods, capes, or footwear. This woman who poisoned her own food to stop h꧙er roommates from stealing it? Absolutely a Scorpio.

Allergic to small ta🅘lk but open to trauma bonding, Scorpios make for excellent support systems when hearts break and grief rages.꧅

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius roommates can be counted on for a good time, if not a gentle delivery. Graphicroyalty –

Sagittarius lives by the curious coꦐde of having a good time all the time, which makes them an excellent addition to an impromptu Vegas trip or a pirate sitcom — and a somewhat dicey roommate choice.

They prioritize freedom above all (and everyone) else, so they are less reliable when it comes to completing tasks. Slow to finish and quick to start is the name of the game with archers, so they may need reminding to empty the god—n dishwasher or launder the blankets after their after-hours living room orgy.

They are great at connection but not compassion, dealing truths and opinions like throwing stars. However, their fearless bon vivant approach to life and open invitation to join in their pied piper revelry is a kind of contagion that’s beneficial to more cloistered types.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorns view roommate relationships as business agreements. taka –

The most responsible, if not the warmest and fuzziest of earth signs, Capricorn folk play by the rules — and what they lackཧ in bedside manner they more than compensate for in steadfast cleanliness.

Capricorn is the daddy of the zodiac — rent will be paid, paper towels will be purchased, and a plan to cut down on the electricity bill will be implemented. You can count on these people even if you can’t necessarily lean on them.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is allergic to the petty personal problems of others. Getty Images

Fixed air, Aquarius people need a🥂mple alone time, and their habits/obsessions/rituals/preferences are absolutely inflexible.

They will keep odd hours and strange company. They will eat your veg🌼an ice cream and donate your clothing.

They care very little about the trivial — shared duties, your childhood, etc., but are usually game to talk about aliens, dumpster dive, recommend a book or silent retreat, and/or scheme ways to get your s💛lumlord landlord to lower the rent by citing the presence of ghosts or mold.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces roommates can always be counted on to celebrate losses and achievements large or small. Mirko Vitali –

Pisces pꦍeople are the resident empaths of the zodiac, poised to offer support and a cotton candy nest of neutrality for others to rest in. As roommates, they are understanding, generally amenable, and utterly avoidant when it comes to conflict or accountability.

Self-serving but never mean-spirited, fish folks live at a certain remove from reality — and thus don’t often see the messes, literal and metaphorical, that they make.

If you’re open to sweeping up the glitter, cheese puffs, cigarette ashes, candy lube, and glue gun residue they leave in their wake, you’ll have a sweet pal and perpetual drinking partner in exchange.

Astrologer  researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences