Christopher Rim


Christopher Rim is the founder/CEO of Command Education,🌱 a New York City-ꦉbased education and college admissions consultancy.

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Waitlisted at your dream college? Here's what to do next

This is your꧋ secret weapon to winning the college acceptance gamꦉe.

Fair college admissions doesn’t exist — it’s time we stop searching for it ꦉ ꦫ

Admissions at prestigious universities is a game, and gꦺetting in is all about leveling up your strategy -- that's something that elite schools do not want to admit.

Deferred from early admission colleges? Here's what to do next

If students received a deferral or a rejection, it is completely normal to feel disappointed. However, it is important to understand that a deferral does not equate t🅷o a rejection....

How to prepare for the competitive wo🥃rld of Ivy League admissions

♍ The admissions process is b💯ecoming increasingly selective — Harvard and Columbia universities admitted record-low percentages of applicants (both less than 4%) into the class of 2027.

Pꦇrivate schools offer a rarefied environment for le🌸arning

 These ten private schools in New York City offer an unparalleled source of Ivy League-educated teachers, smalඣl class sizes and individualized instruction, Christopher Rim writes.