Douglas Schoen


Douglas Schoen is an attorney, politic♓al commentator and author.

Latest Articles

Helene reveals a rudderless White House — and Harris' flaws

The failure of the Biden-Harris administration to take charge of urgently needed rescue and recovery efforts after Hurricane Hel🌟ene underscores a key question: Who is really running this White House?

James Carville is right: 'Preachy women' are ruining Biden's chances

Political strategist James Carville just issued Democrats an explicit warning that President Biden’s poor pol🔯ling numbers indicate serious problems with the Democratic Party.

Drop dead, New York. Drop dead, Dems: How migrant crisis will sink Biden 🔥

Not since 1975 — when a famous tabloid headline read, “Ford to New York: Drop Dead” — have New York City’s ꦚfinances and politics weighed so heavily on national consciousness.

As Demo𝐆crats, we implore the party: Get rid of the antisemitic Squad 𓆉

Their p🌱ositions are deeply out of sync with mainstream Americans and will tarnish the entire Democratic Party if we allow them to remain under the Democrat banner.  

🌳 Republicans and Democrats must find new presidential candidates — to save America

We are calling on both parties to chart a path forward together; this very well might begin with Trump accepting a plea deal that allows🌄 him to avoid jail time...

ﷺ NY leaders must have their own march on Wash🐭ington to demand Biden take action on the migrant crisis

New York City has become the epicenter of the🧜 country’s migrant crisis and a symbol of the Biden administration’s failures at the southe꧋rn border. 

How Biden risk⛎s losing in 2024 over failure to stop the migrant surge  🍌

It’s a difficult balance to strike on an issue that has vexed every modern-day president. But without attempting it, Biden increa🦹ses his chances of becoming a one-term president.

 Fellow Democrats, recognize how dangerous is an ambitious♏ AOC ꦦ

ꦬ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of the most polarizing and divisive figures in modern American politics. Despite having served in Congress for only four years, the self-described Democratic Socialist recently indicated she could seek...

Democrats ignore crime at their peril — as well as New York's

Neither Gov. Kathy Hochul nor Albany leaders have made any meaningful effort to advance major criminal-justice and policing reforms; thus, Neꦫw York’s criminal-justice system remains bankrupt.

It's time for Biden to lead the way out of the migrant mess at the border

President Biden’s first responsibility as comman𝔍der in chief is to protect 🧸Americans in a national-security crisis, which the situation at the border has regrettably devolved into. 

💙 Biden failing to support Iran’s protests is a grave mistake

America can take critical steps to help the Iꦚranian people. With this new approach, President Biden can help usher in a new era of demo♊cracy for Iran — and, indeed,...

Democrats cater to the woke at their ele⭕ctoral peril

 The Democratic Party’s embrace of socialist-leaning politicians — namely “The S🌃quad” — has not only put it 🐷on track to lose control of Congress in November.

Bewar෴e: A new wave of anti-Semitism is sweeping New York City

The Big Apple is experiencing a new wave of anti-Semitism that is sweeping the city as never before -- with Jews being targeted in universities and neigꦯhborhoods.

Biden says Ukraine is a battle for the free world — which is why he shouldn't sign an Iran deal

If President Joe Biden insists on fighting Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, he must apply the same attitude to nixing the Iran nuclear deal to protect the worlꦛd.

Gov. Hochul must follow Adams' lead and take control of bail reform

Gov. ☂Kathy Hochul is trying to have༺ it both ways: appeasing progressives by taking no concrete position on bail reform while telling the greater public that crime reduction is a...

Democratic leaders' shocking silence over attacks on Israel by fellow Dems

We’ve often so♍unded alarms over fellow Democrats who demonize I𒆙srael. But lately, even our party’s establishment and its leaders have become complicit in the consequences — by failing to denounce...