F.H. Buckley

F.H. Buckley

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ꦡ What you miss 𒐪when teaching online

In the enforced solitude of stay-at-home orders to fight the🍌 coron🧸avirus, we sense the absence of things we’ve taken for granted — a colleague’s handshake, a smile from a stranger....

Let’s try listening to Bernie Sanders’ voters — they ha🦋ve legitimate gripes

A ne🉐w poll show Bernie Sanders with a sizable lead over all his rivals for the Democratic nomination, and moderate liberals are beginning to wonder whether their party has a...

How to avoid America's coming secession crisis

The craziness of our politics makes one wo🔯nder what’s round the bend. After the “resistance,” the pussy hats, the nonstop crises and the permanent impeachment, what mightᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ⁤⁤⁤⁤ᩚ𒀱ᩚᩚᩚ be the next...

Boris Johnson, Donald Trump's secret to success: Take best from right, left

In last week’s UK general election, Boris Johnsඣon’s Tories won working-class constituencies held by Labour for a century. They pulled this off by standing for British culture and sovereignty against...

Trump's nastiness is making him look weak

 Donald Trump wants people to think he’s a winner. S🌞o why does he act like a loser? Winn💝ers convey a sense of effortless superiority. They don’t have to work at...

Hong Kong’s prot💖esters deserve Tr🉐ump’s support 

What’s happening in Hong Kong right now reminds us that Americans have never been ideologues. In foreign policy, we are happy to live wi♉th a messiness in which idealism mingles...

♌Gridlock is giving us a government run by temps ꩲ

🧸 Suppose I told you there was a $600 million business that hasn’t had a CEO for 16 months, and efforts to appoint one have been stymied in Washington. Crazy, but... 🌳

It’s time forꦉ a federal civil rights intervention in Portland

The savag🎀e beating of journalist Andy Ngo in Portland by far-left antifa rioters last Saturday shocked everyone. Well, conservatives anyway, plus a few honor✤able liberals. As the police stood by...

How to stop the ‘woke’ s𝐆ocial media censors

There is nothing like a social media war to inspire nuttiness from all♚ sides, and the latest is the furor over YouTube’s decision to “demonetize” Steve Crowder. Which means the...

 ⛦ What Democrats have forgotten about citizenship

Who should be represented in our elecꦏtions? That’s the question at the heart of Democratic opposition to the Trump administration’s decision to add a question about citizenship to the Census,...

President Trump should thank the attorney general he ꦆforced out

 We’ve now seen♏ꦗ the Mueller report, and there will be a lot of finger-pointing on both sides. But what’s clear is how the last two years have degraded American politics...

🐽 ‘Reparations’ is a recipe for s🐷trife, not justice

Reparations for slavery used to be a fringe idea, but it’s gaining traction among mainstream Democra⛄ts. Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee has sponsored a bill to study the question, and she...

Trump's fight for campus justice is only beginning

ℱ American colleges used to pride themselves on their commitment ꧙to free speech and free inquiry. That’s the only way learning takes place, we thought, and you’d have to go back...

Look which sides liberals choose in the real-life 'Handmaid's Tale'

ꦚ Gov. Andrew Cuomo is backing a new surrogacy law, and though it could be worse, it’s still bad. It’s called the Child-Parent Security Act, and it would decriminalize and enforce...

Beto O’Rourke is being a hypo🐎crite abo𒆙ut the border wall 

Donald Trump has a lot of things going for him, a sense of humor, a 🌟willingness to say whatever is on his mind, but his best asset is his ability...

Lessons from Venez📖uela for the Left — and Trump

In the freak show that constitutes today’s poli🧜tics,🐲 it’s well to recall that there are real issues out there, like our government’s wise decision to recognize opposition leader Juan Guaidó...

It's time for Trump to give up on the wall

President Trump has held out as long as he can on the wall. But now it’s time for him to pack it in.ꦰ He never really made the sale, except...

Trump may have gone too ✨far by꧋ abandoning the Kurds

The Tr🅷ump election was in many ways a rediscovery of nationalism and a re𒀰buke to liberal transnationalism — the idea, popular among elites in the US and Europe, that nationhood...

Don't trust the government to make Big Tech behave

The soci🔴al-media wars are heating up. Congress has grilled Go♑ogle’s CEO, and the British Parliament wants to hear from Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. Across the political spectrum, there are calls for...

Why 'No Hate Here' signs are actually pretty hateful

My walks with my dog take me to a quiet off-street, with 𒐪middle-class houses made expensive because they’re inside the Beltway. Their owners are mostly youngish attorneys who work as...