John Tierney

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Even Greenpeace finally admits the obvious: Recycling plastic doesn’t work 𒅌

Even Greenpeace has fꦫinally acknowlꦐedged the truth: Recycling plastic makes no sense. 

Good riddance to Fauci and his calamit🐼ous, costly career 

Anthony Fauci, the president’s chief medical adviser, has announced hi✃s retꦗirement. His long and singularly disastrous career ends in December.

We still need to learn the right lessons from America's disastrous COVID response

CDC leaders 𒊎terrified the public with worst-case scenarios base✤d on computer models — and then used those unrealistic projections to claim powers and experiment with untested strategies.

Ditch the masks and breathe easier already -- it's time to 'face' the facts

🏅 Covering up may give the maskaholics a false sense of security — but they could breathe more easiౠly if they’d just face the facts. 

If you're vaxxed, you're more likely to be killed by lightning than die of COVID: study

The odds of a fatal COVID case can be gauged from a study by researchers at thꦕe National Institutes of Health, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  ෴

 Power-seeking pols are trying to create a neve📖r-ending pandemic

Throughout t🔜he pandemic, American political and public-health leaders have been following Rahm Emanuel’s classic dictum for power-seeking officials: “You neve꧟r want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Now they’ve...

♛ Lockdown hysteria did more harm than COVID-19 ♓

🌳 The US has suffered through two lethal waves of contagion with COVID-19 and the left's moral panic that has infected journalism, governance, and worst of all -- science, the City...

How Facebook uses 'fact-checking' to suppress scientific truth

A brand new breed of censorsಌ has been sඣtifling scientific debate about masks on social-media platforms.

 The data shows lockdowns end more l🐓ives than🌄 they save

Now that the 2020 figures have been properly tallied, 🎐there is still no convincing evidence that strict lockdowns reduced the death toll from COVID-19. But one effect is clear: more...

COVID-19 lockdowns were a risky experiment — and one tꦫhat failed

Lockdowns are typically portrayed as prudent precautions against COVID-19, but they are surely the most risky experiment ev﷽er conducted on the public. From the start, ­res꧟earchers have warned that lockdowns...

 There’s a better wa🍰y to greet people — in sickness and in health

Now that a virus has finally stopped us from s🌞haking hands, we have a singular opportunity to eliminate this😼 custom once and for all. There’s a much better way to...

𝐆 Using tote bags instead of plastic c🌱ould help spread the coronavirus

The COVID-19 outbreak is giving new meaning to those “sustainable” shopping bags that politicians and environmentalists have been so eager to impose on tꦓhe public. These reusable tote bags can...

The poor are the losers in New York's war on Walmart

If budget-cutters in Washington ♑decided to eliminate food stamps for New Yorkers, city politicians would be denouncing the🐠 cruelty of the “Republican war on the poor.” Yet Mayor de Blasio...

൩ To really fix Times Square, make Broadway a piazza

༒ Two decades ago, when most of the pavement in Times Square was reserve෴d for cars, I proposed converting the self-proclaimed Crossroads of the World into a pedestrian paradise named Piazza...