Kay Hymowitz

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10 years after Sheryl Sandberg's blockbuster book 'Lean In,' women are on the outs

A decade after the release of Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg's book 'Lean In,' women have moved on to new fe🌌minist icons.

 More students than ever cha🌊se a graduate degree — and society is sജuffering

It’s not just metaphori🌌cal to say that a master’s degree is the new bachelor’s degree: about 13 perce🦹nt of people aged 25 and older have a master’s.

The critics were wrong: Welfare reform has deꦺlivered for single moms

On Tuesday, the Census Bureau reꦅleased its report on the nation’s income, poverty and health-insurance coverage for 2018. News tha💧t the percentage of Americans with insurance took a troubling stumble...

The hidden driver o🍃f high US child-poverty rate🥀s 

 Articles 𝓡about America’s high levels of child poverty are a media evergreen. Here’s a typical entry, courtesy of The New York Times’ Eduardo Porter: “The percentage of children who are... 🌃

No, gentrification isn't making NYC less diverse

New York is losing its diversity cred. Aff💛luent Starbucks-swilling, kale-grazing white people are taking over the city’s 🐠multiracial ecosystem. At least that’s what the sophisticates tell us. The truth is...

 Chinese i꧋mmigrants debunk de Blasio’s ‘tale of two cities’

In recent decades, hundreds of thousands of mostly poor and often undocumented immigrants from China’s Fujian province have arrived in Sunset Park. They’re quietly doing as much to transform Brooklyn...♛

Welfare reform in the balance 📖

In all the mayoral campaigning, a longtime hot-button issue — ൲welfare — has been conspicuous only by its absence. Yes, the city’s welfare system has operated effectively in recent years....


 Men and women have been a mystery to one another since the time human beings 𝔉were in trees; one reason people developed so many rules around courtship was that they...


It's 1꧅965 and you're a 26-year-old white guy. You have a factory job, or maybe you work for an insurance broke🏅r. Either way, you're married, probably have been for a... 


After my Lot Airlines flight from New York touched down at Warsaw's Frédéric Chopin Airport a few months back, I watched a 🌱middle-aged passenger rush to embrace a waiting younger...