Naomi Schaefer Riley

Naomi Schaefer Riley

Latest Articles

Another child is dead in NYC, as officials care more about 'social justice' than protecting kids

Jahmeik Moore, 4, is the sixth chi🤪ld to die of maltreatmentဣ in the city in the last three months. 

💯  Why is race still a🀅 factor in adoption? 

“I know you really want to be parents, and I can tell that you would love and dote on the child,” Angela Tucker, a consultant for an adoption agency, told.ღ..

NYC's child protection agency coddles parents, killing kids

Lax policies at the city's Administration for Child꧟ren’s Services have caseworkers supporting drug-addicted and mentally ill parents at the expense൲ of protecting kids. 

Parents need to stop crazy-shopping for their kids' dorm rooms

 ജ Maybe it’s 🎶too late, but parents who really want to prepare their children to leave the nest should end the bathrobe hunt, unsubscribe Dorm Room Mamas and tell their kids...

How New York's Child Services system is failing city kids

A whistle-blower details the ways that ACS is putting race and class abov🗹e kid safety.

How Mayor Adams wants wealthy donors to save NYC: 'All-hands-on-deck'

Eric Adams had pleaded to private donors to save New York as it battles budget challenges.💟

The 'Stay-at-Home-Girlfriend' trend is bad for women

The TikTok phenom of women remaining unmarried but tethered to🔴 a bread-winning man is gaining traction.

It's time for a 'broken windows' policy for schools

What will it take to bring back a semblance of order to🅰 our schools? A few weeks ago, an 11-year-old girl was beaten by🧔 a group of students at the... 

 Why is NYC꧒ telling teachers to not keep kids safe? 𓆏

When you see something, should you say﷽ something? According to the Office of Children and Family Ser🅺vices, it depends on the race of the victim.  New guidance released last month...

New♎ White House proposal 🌸will further alienate religious foster parents 

💙 The Biden administration's new push to require certain training for foster parents will alienate religious families and leave kids without care.

Judge Erik Pitchal's warped mindset led to baby Ella Vitalis' death

Ella Vitalis, 1, died from cardiac arrestꦍ while poli𒉰ce said he suffered a blunt force injury to her head while with her parents.

As NYC reels from fentanyl day careꦦ tragedy, child care overdoses are more common than we think

The Bronx day-care tragedy reveals an increasing nꦡumber of 🌳child over-dose deaths thanks to the rise of fentanyl addiction.

ജ How foster kids are being damaged by a lack of home care facilities

In residential care facilities across the nation, mentally-challenged children are being fai🍒led by residential homes ill-equipped to handle their needs.

 Why e🌟nding child services is the new Defund the Police ♏

Can you imagine if the New Yorkﷺ Police Department invited Defund the Police activis𒈔ts to train their officers? That’s what the New York State family courts and child welfare agencies...

Yonkers' only charter school illustrates just how broken the system is

 The Charter Sဣchool💝 of Excellence in Yonkers is a perfect example of how successful education institutions are held back by unions and bureaucracy.

Why the end of affirmative action is good for black science students 𝐆 🔥

 Contrary to conventio⭕nal thinking, students of color who are majoring in STEM programs benefit from then end of race-based admissions policies.

Children are dead because activists say it's racist for ACS to act

When a child is fou𒉰nd dead with bruises on her wrists and torso, the first question is alwa💯ys: Were there warning signs?

How newborns are becoming victims of legalized♐ marijuana use🌠

The Administrat�🔜�ion for Children’s Services has engaged in “pervasive discriminatory practices,” according to a lawsuit filed by Chanetto Rivers in federal court last week. Rivers, who is black, claims that...

Why is ou🌠r society so lenient toward parents who mistreat their kids?  ♓

Hurting kids is one of society's most serious ta𒆙boos. So why then are parents and family members allowed to abuse their kids often with scant repercussi🎃ons?

Why child care and semiconductor chips don't go hand in hand

ꦍ Pꦚres. Biden recently announced that companies receiving federal funding to help produce semiconductors must provide workers with child-care. But how might parents feel about this.