andrew cuomo

 Rꦿep. Marc Molinaro says Dem opponent Josh Riley is even worse than this ex-pol

Molinaro says his current opponent for congress, Josh Riley, is running an even more dishonest and deceitful campaign than his 2018 matchup agai🌞nst Cuomo.

NYC Democrati꧋c Socialists back anti-Israel pol Zohran Mamdani for mayor

As a DSA candidate, Mamdani would almost certainly be the most anti-Israel candidate in the race. 🧜

 Lame move from a lame duck, grim wages of Joe’s weakness and other commentary 🍌

“As a one-term president, Joe Biden app⭕ears eager” to do unwise things, such as apparently pushing Britain to cede the Chagos Islands to Mauritius, grumbles 🦩John Bolton at The Wall...

Adams' potential successor pressuring Comptroller Brad Lander to drop mayoral bid: sources

Public Advocate Jumaane Will🌱iams – who is next in line to become mayor if indicted Eric Adams leaves office early – is putting heat on Comptroller and longtime lefty ally...

Cuomo still has whopping $8M in war chest -- but may not be able to use it in NYC mayor's race

The funds are in his old state campaign account, and campaign finance rules would make it particu🦋larly difficult for him to transfer the money out for his rumored mayoral campaign...

Bloomberg for mayor? Half of NYC voters want billionaire to mount return run amid City Hall chaos: poll🐼

Half of New Yorkers said they'd like former Mayor Mike Blo🌠omberg to run in a special election if Eric Adams resigns or is removed from office, a Morning Consult poll... 

Chris Cuomo gives disgraced brother Andrew a reality check on potenti🍷al mayoral ambition🥃s

Chris Cuomo, who was fired by CNN in late 2021, told his NewsNation audience on Monday that perhaps his sibling should pass on being Big Apple 🅘mayor.

Cuomo rep sues trooper, law firm who alleged ex-gov groped cop: 'Malicious prosecution'

A rep for Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday counter-sued the state trooper and her lawyers who accused his ex-governor boss of sex harassment, claiming they illegally t♌argeted him over his role...

ꦓ Judges tosses wrongful death suit against Cuomo over order requiring COVID patients into nursing homes 🙈

"The judge today ruled to dismiss this case just as the DOJ - which launched three separate probes - and the Manhattan district attorney did previously," a Cuom💜oꦍ rep said.

Get in the mayor's race for real, Republicans — New Yorkers need a new vision

New York City Mಞayor Eric Adams is facing federal corruption charges and his fellow Dems are already jockeying for position to replace him — and it's a basket of horribles. 

Top Dems pu💯sh for Tish J⛦ames to run for NYC mayor if Eric Adams is ousted 

Political🔯 sources said even Gov. Kathy Hochul’s camp reached out to James recently to see if she’d be interested in jumping into a special election if Cuomo – her political...

NYC Jewish voters ready to rally for Cuomo for mayor, advocates say: Adams 'is toast'

Many mainstream and conservative Jews are ready to rally around Andrew Cuomo 💜if he runs for mayor, prominent Jewish activists told The Post.

'SNL' skewers Cuomo over NYC mayoral buzz: 'Moves faster than COVID through a nursing home'

 “Saturday N💙ight Live” tried coughing up some COVID-19-related yuks at the expense of former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who is believed to be eyeing a political comeback as the...

Cuomo telling NYC powerbrokers he's running for mayor if special election is called: sources

Former Go🌳v. Andrew Cuomo is telling city power-brokers he will run for mayor of New York City should Mayor Adams be forced from office, sources told The Post. 🌠

NYC business leaders scramble to deal with growing realit♈y of socialist running the city

The Post has 💖learned that Kathryn Wylde, president of the Partnership for New York, has reached out to Jumaane๊ Williams to set up a meeting.

𓆉 Mayor Adams should stay and offer his defense to New Yorkers ꦿ

It is in the best interest of fairness — and the best interest of Ne𝕴w York City — that Mayor Eric Ad♊ams be allowed to present a defense while he...

Mayor Eric Adams’ indictme👍nt could open the door for these potential 2025 challengers

Adams vowed to keep leading the Big A♈pple once news of the indictment broke Wednesday night, but whether he drops 𝓰his reelection bid remains to be seen.

Cuomo ‘inappropriately influenced’ witness in te🌱xt messಌage as House probed COVID deaths, new doc says

Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo tr💦ied to “inappropriately influence” a top aide's testimony during a congressional investigation into his administration’s disastrous mandate that forced COVI𝐆D-19 patients into nursing homes, a bombshell...

Andrew Cuomo labels 'defund the police' movement 'dumbest words ever uttered' in fiery Brooklyn speech

"Today, we have a great political argument on the Democratic side: Who is more progressive?" he added. "I don't even think the♔y know what the word means, progressive. You cannot...

Upstate NﷺY Democrat launches 🌟write-in campaign after primary loss, breaks with party on bail reform 

Albany County District Attorney David Soares, who has been in offic🐎e since 2005, is campaigning again after losing a June party primary to rival Lee Kindlon by 10-percentage points.