brooks brothers

 O🍌wner of Forever 21, Barneys and Brooks Brothers plans to go public

The licensing firm that owns a slew of aging, iconic commercial brands including JCPenney, Forever 21, Sports Illustrated and Maril💙yn Monroe plans to become a publicly traded company.

Brooks Brothers billionaire lists hist𒐪oric Long Island home for $12.5M

It features nine bedrooms, eight bathrooms, four half baths and seven fir♑eplaces. ꦇ

Brooks Brothers to be sold for $325 millioꦺn after buyer hikes offer

Brooks Brothers will likeﷺly be sold out of bankruptcy for $325 million this week after the stꦉoried retailer's leading suitor hiked its offer by $20 million. The New York-based clothier...

Bankrupt Brooks Brothers offere🧜d deal to sell for $305M

ꦿ A shopping-mall giant and a brand-licensing firm have offered to buy Brooks Brothers out of bankruptcy for $305 million. Sparc Group LLC — a partnership between Authentic ꦕBrands Group and...

 The po♓verty of cancel culture and other commen❀tary 

Iconoclast: The Poverty of C✤ancel Culture The intellectuals being canceled “by the new revolution” were “products of the last cultural revolution” — and that one was a lot more fun,...

𒅌 Brooks Brothers hasꦉ two potential buyers amid bankruptcy filing

Two apparel firms are reportedly vying to buy Brooks Brothers now that the storied clothier has filed fo▨r bankruptcy. WHP Global and Sparc Group LLC are looking to bid on...

🥂 Brooks Brothers files for bankruptcy, becoming latest retail virus victim

Brooks B🧔rothers, the 202-year-old retailer that has dressed dozens of US presidents, filed for bankruptcy Wednesday.

Brooks Bro🦄thers will make 150,000 masks a d෴ay in coronavirus fight 

Brooks Brothers is sewing hope in the coronavirus fight. Instead of ch꧅urning out preppy stap♎les like seersucker suits and woven-silk ties, America’s oldest retailer is now making masks and gowns...

This NYC saleswoman is the master of men's shoes

In a world dominated by men, Maria Germer has shoe-horned her way to the ꦆtop. Germer, 57, has ruled the men’s shoe department at Brooks Brothers on Madison Avenue for...

☂ Tailor to the Oval Office files suit agaisnt Brooks Broth🦹ers

It’s a suit about the suits of Martin Greenfield Clothiers and how Brooks Brothers u🥂nraveled the deal. On Monday, the tailor to the Oval Office, who dresses, Michael Bloomberg, Ray...

🍌 Uptown shoppers get more luxe tenants

A slew of new luxury stores have opened along the upper reaches of Madison Avenue between East ꧑79th and 86th Streets. That’s because those scout🐠ing for spaces are being sent...

 Brooks Brothers make🅺 the𒁏ir culinary debut

When Brooks Brothers launches its planned Makers and Merchants steakhouse𓆉 next year, it will be taking a daring plunge into prime-beef territory. As we first reported Monday on, the...

ꦜ  Retailer Brooks Brothers to open stea𒈔khouse 

🌠 Brooks Brothers, the “Makers and Merchants” of fine Amܫerican suits and ties since 1818, is turning its talents on another Yankee Doodle favorite — steak. The legendary apparel emporium plans...