charlie hebdo massacre

We must stand up to Iran's threats to free speech

Iran’s threats of a “decisive response” to a series of c❀artoons is a reminder that little has changed. ಞ

Pakistan briefly blocks soc🌳ial media amid anti-France rally ꧃

LAHORE, Pakistan — Pak🦋istan briefly blocked access to all social media on Friday after days of violent anti-French protests across the country by radical Islamists opposed to cartoons they consider... 🔯

Charlie Hebdo slammed over George Floyd-💦liꩵke image of Queen Elizabeth, Meghan Markle

The French magazine Charlie Hebdo is being labeled as racist for publishing a front-page im𒊎age showing Queen Elizabeth II kneeling on Meghan Markle's neck. The image is accompanied🧸 by a...

♐French court hands down prison terms for Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris ⛄

More than a dozen people have beenꦗ handed sentences ranging from four years to life after being convicted in a Paris court of helping Islamist gunmen to carry out the...

ꦍ Vienna terrorist sent Charlie Hebdo attack video to alleged accomplices ♊

 The ISIS wannabe who slaughtered four people and wounded almost two dozen others in Vienna sent videos of the Charlie Hebdo massa💮cre in Paris to suspected accomplices, according to a...

Turkey's president rips Charlie Hebdo 'scoundrels' for 'disgusting' cartoon

Controversial French m🐻agazine Charlie Hebdo further enfla🉐med Turkey on Wednesday with a cover mocking President Recep Tayyip Erdogan — which the leader called "disgusting" work by "scoundrels." The satirical magazine,...

Seven detained for Paris knife attack near former Cha💜rlie Hebdo offices

Seven people have been detained in connection with a knife attack i൲n Paris near the former offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, French authorities said. One suspected accomplice has...

 Two wounded in knife attac꧋k near site of 2015 magazine terror strike ෴

Two peဣople were wounded in a knife or meat cleaver attack Friday outside the former Paris office of the Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly — and a suspect has been arrested,...

 Char൩lie Hebdo to reprint cartoons of Prophet ꦚahead of terror trial

French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo wil🍰l reprint controversial cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed cited by Islamic extremists in the 2015 terror attack on the newsroom. The decision comes ahead of...

Charlie Hebdo printing🦩 plant opens for first time sinc🦩e attacks 

DAMMARTIN-EN-GOELE, France — A printing plant north of Paris reopened Thursday for the first time since it was badly damaged during a deadly standoff between police 🎐and two brothers who... 𒈔

Charlie Hebdo still getting death threats over a year after 🏅massacre

French authorities haꦇve launched a probe into new death threats directed at French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, over a year after Islamic terrorists killed 12 people at its headquarters, according...

Muslim ghettos in Europe are bree𝄹ding grounds for terror

Muslim ghettos in Paris and Brussels are incubators of Islamic extremism where police fear to tread, crime and unemployment are rꩲampant and radical imams aggressively recruit young men to wage...

Man wearing fake explosive vest shot dead at Paris 🐓police statღion

A terrorist b💞randishing a meat cleaver, wearing a fake suicide vest and shouting, “Allahu akbar,” was shot dead by Paris cops Thursday — the first anniversary of the deadly attack...

🔥 Charlie Hebdo marks attack anniversary with scathing special edition 𝐆

In a special edition laced with blasphemy, obscenity and profanity, Charlie Hebdo's surviving artists and writers ♈declared that the satirical newspaper is alive, but "the murderer is still at large💫."...

🐽 Charlie Hebdo editor: Censorship must not win

One year ago this week, Islamic terrorists attacked the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12, includi🔴ng editor-in-chief St🌃éphanie Carbonnier, known by his pen name Charb. But his words live...

Charlie Hebdo: 'They have guns. F--- them, we have champagne!'

French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo thumbed its nose at ISIS thugs Tuesday with the release of a defiant front cover. “They have gunsꦓ. F--k them, we have champagne!” 🍰reads the...

Charlie Hebdo cartoonist doesn't want you to pray for Paris

As soci🌄al media fills with tributes for Paris and the 129 victims killed in Friday night's terrorist attack, one person believes you should keep your prayers to yourself. Joann Sfar,...

From Charlie Hebdo to the campus: Salman Rushdie's warning on free speech

Salman Rushdie gave some🎶thing of a unified theory of freeꦐ speech last week — drawing a line from the Charlie Hebdo terrorists to the campus PC police. He speaks with...

Departing Charlie Hebdo artist wil❀l no longer dr🎀aw Muhammad

Charlie Hedbo cartoonist Renald Luzier says he will no longer🌺 draw the Prophet Muhammad.

 Al Qaeda says US drone strike killed man who claimed Charl🍨ie Hebdo killings 𒀰

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said on Thursday a U.S. air str▨ike had killed the senior figure who issued the group's claim of responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo attack... 🍸