
Newly discovere𝓡d space object could be a breakthrough in the study of black holes

☂ Astronomers have discovered a mysterious unknown object in our galaxy that could be a breakthrough in the study of black holes. The "extremely dense remnant of a collapsed star𝔍" lies...

Scientist think the🥂y know cause of world’s biggest, million-year-old gravity hole 🧸

“All these [previous] studies lookeℱd at the present-day anomaly and were not concerned with how this geoid low came into existence,” the study states.

What it's really like to go on a zero-gravity flight like Jeff Bezos

ౠ For $7,500, wannabe astronauts experience about eight minutes𒐪 of weightlessness, and the otherworldly chance to somersault and catch Skittles mid-air.

Brainless slime named 'the Blob' flying to space to study weightlessness

The Blob — not ꦐto be confused with the alien invader from the 1958 sci-fi film — will be launched on Aug. 10. Destination: the International Space Station. 🐻

Muscular space mice could be astronauts' new secret weapon

 These mice༒ are m🌟aking gains in microgravity.

New type of ar🔜tificial gravity could keep astronauts healthy 🉐

Heading into space means leaving Earth’s gravity behind. Astronauts floating around on the International Space Station might look l🅠ike they’re 𝄹having fun in the weightless environment, but a lack of...

Scientists say black hole discovery proves E♌instein was right

Take that, Sir Isaac Newton! Scientists have observed 🌠for the first time a star's light being warped by a supermassive black hole — and they say it backs up Albert... 🌌

💎 Maybe aliens have crappy space programs too

🦹 If you’re looking for reasons why mankind hasn’t found aliens yet, you can come up with a whole bunch of them. We’ve never left our solar system, never set foot...

ꦡ Neil deGrasse Tyson drops truth bombs🧔 on Flat Earthers

Believing that the Earth is flat was an excusable error back in the days before high-powered telescopes and space travel, 🌞but today? Please. In order to actually believe that the...

NASA wants to mess with dark ma🏅tter by creating coolest spot in universe

NASA wants to create the coolest sp🎃ot in the universe to better understand matter and the fundamental nature of gravity. While understanding that atoms behave in surprising ways at super-low...

♋Face it, George Clooney sucks 🧔

It's time for Hollywood🥃 to face facts: George Clooney is not a star. If you matched them up head-to-head, Dwayne “ღthe Rock” Johnson would crush him — and I don’t...

The 3-D fad is dying — and 🐻this film critic couldn’t be happier

Walking into advance screenings of movies, you can sometimes ꦜhear audible gr🐼oans from the critics as we walk in. No, it’s not just our arthritis: It’s the sight of 3-D... 

Wh𒅌y ‘Interstellar’ may go further than ‘Gravity’ on Oscar night 🦋

// Oscar polls open on Dec. 29 and, unlike in recent years, there is no clear-cut front-runner at this point. Among 🅺movies th🏅at have already been seen, many prognosticators give the...

With '12 Years a Slave,' Oscars get it right this year

Major props to the Oscars for acknowledging "12 Years a Slave'' as the the Best Picture of 20🌠🌳13, reversing its recent trend of embracing less challenging fare like "Argo'' and...

And the Oscar doesn't go to ...

 No one outside that one accounting firm knows for sure who’s going to win the Oscars at Sunday night’s ceremony. That⛎ saidꦜ, we’re pretty sure who’s not going to win....

ABC News' Sherwood could get boost after 'GMA' rise

The buzz around Tinseltown isn’t all Oscar movie talk. Rumors are swirling that ABC News boss Ben Sherwood could be in for some additional responsibilitie💦s as a reward for pulling... 𓄧

🍬Ex-Warner boss behind ‘Gravity’ e𒉰yes starting new company

Warner Bros. boss Jeff Robinov is out 🐓raising money to start his own movie company, sources tell The Post, but theꩲ question bouncing around Hollywood is: Where will he and...