kate burton

How Kate Burton escaped the hysteria that trailed Liz and Dick ♌

 When your f🍷amous actor father falls in love with a movie star, maybe the best thing𝓡 your mom can do is move away. It worked for Kate Burton. When the...

12 ‘Scandal’ actors you’ll recognize from other Sh🐼ondaLand s💖hows

꧂ If you tuned in to Thursday night’s midseason premiere of “Scandal,” you might have been shocked to see a familiar face from ShondaLand: Robert Baker. The actor, best known for... 

6 'Grey's Anatomy' alums who keep busy

NYC detective Cat Sullivan may be new but she ♓sur✃e looks familiar. Yep, it’s Chyler Leigh, a k a the late Dr. Lexie Grey, back with a stylish hairdo and a gun... 

'Scandal' goes out with a bang in season finale

Warning: This article contains spoilers In an explosive and deadly season finale, "Scandal" was actually able to top itself by having it𒉰s lead character, Olivia Pope, played by Kerry Washington, get...