
Lion tears part of man's arm off during African safari with his wife

A 64-year-old French man was attacked by a lion that tore part of his arm off durin𓄧g a luxury s𒉰afari with his wife in Tanzania — and is now suing... 

Bronx Zoo 'Lion Queen' says she's a 'Black Israelite' during wild arraignment

The woman who climbed into the Bronx Z𓆏oo's lion den shouted "shalom" and exclaimed her devotion to Allah and Jehovah in a wild arraignment in Bronx criminal court early Friday...

8-yea𓄧r-old boy mauled by mountain lion while playing outside his home 

A mountain lion left an 8-year-old boy with serious injuries when 🌊the beast attacked the 🍎child while he was playing outside his home in Colorado, officials said. The animal pounced...

Majes𝔍tic white lion climbs into a car full of students

A white lion got up close and personal with a car full of students at Kruger National Park in So♉uth Africa. The friendly cat, named Zeus, hopped into the back...

Leapin’ lions! These tourists fear for their 🐷lives 

At Biopark Estrella in Mexico, a lioness 🐟named Elsa leaped at a tour group, causing the visitors to scream in terror. Much to their relief, the lion fell into the...

Stars will do things for an Oscar that would make a politician gag ♓

Earlier this week, a notoriously press-shy Casey Affleck appeared in his third PETA ad in 10 months, expo𓆏sing the horrors of circuses as somber music played in the backgroun🍌d. “I...