michael mulgrew

Daughter of teachers' union boss has $165K job in city agency under probe

 Meghan Mulgew is “Senior Adviso🉐r to the Executive Deputy Commissioner of Asset and Property Management" in the city’s Department of Cit♍ywide Administrative Services.

 UFT president supports Hochul’s sm🔥artphone ban in schools but wants districts to have a say, too

The head of ༒th��e powerful United Federation of Teachers union supports Gov. Kathy Hochul's push to ban smartphones in New York schools -- but says individual districts should have the...

The DOE is struggling with banning phones in class because it's already destroyed school discipline

Uꦛnder a rumored city Department of Education plan to implement a cellphone ban across all 1,600 city public schools, students would be banned from using phones in schools.

Prepping for Trump vs. Biden debate: Letters to the Editoꦆr — June 27, 2024

Readers discuss the lead-up to the first 🍷debate between President Biden and Donald Trump on CNN.

🃏 UFT boss Michael Mulgrew threatens to 🐈blow $600 million hole in NYC finances 

If United Federation of Teachers boss Michael Mulgrew and the Municipal Labor Committee back out of their Medicare Advantage deal with the city, costing it $600 million a year, t𝓡heir...

Reversing course, NYC tea🐬chers union president opposes chang💧es to Medicare

United Federation of Teachers president Michael Mulgrew has withdrawn support for controversial changes to health care for thousands of retirees after🐽 his slate of allies got trounced in union elections...

How powerful forces 'from left to right' came together to stop NYC's controversial congestion pricing program

An extraordinarily broad coalition of powerful people who often don't see eye to eye joined forces and prompted Gov. Kathy Hochul to blink and scuttle the controv💞ersial $15 congestion toll...

New York City school spending has gone insane🐎

New York City is spending billions more on its public schools despite falling enrollment, notes a new Cit⛦izens Budget Commission report, headed to a jaw-dropping $39,304 per-pupil in Fiscal Year...

First lady Jill Biden claims Trump would 'destroy' public education if president in speech to teachers union

“Donald Trump doesn’t want to strengthen our public education system — he wants to destroy it,” the first ꦕlady said in a barely camouflaged campaign screed.

NY pols push to pad teacher, cop, gov't worker pensions -- and sock taxpayers with whopping $4B bill

The proposed change would instantly hit Ne🐷w York City taxpayers with $163 million in added annual pension costs, according to the Empire Center for Public Policy.

No one's telling the truth about the class-size law: It hurts kids and ONLY helps the UFT

Decli🦄ning enrollment had the UFT's ranks steadily🎶 shrinking as of 2022; the class-size mandate is purely a gimmick to turn that around.

SI politicians, union 🍸heads welcome local NAACP chapter to congestion pricing opposition

A b꧅ipartisan contingent of elected officials and local leaders a💫re railing against the city's planned congestion pricing toll hike.

Albany's powers hold NYC kids hostage again in yet another mayoral-control drama

Albany must extend mayoral control𝓰 for NYC schools so the UFT can't kill academic standards, including testing and screens, and teacher accountability.

Congestion pricing pits MTA's Lord Janno Lieber against working folk

 🦋 Congestion pricing is only — ye𝓀s, only — a cynical money grab. 

T🧸ime for insane NYC congestion 𒆙pricing plan to hit the road

The latest entrant to the l🎃awsuit against New York's insane congestion pricing plan is the Municipal Labor Committee, a heavyweight union. Time for this plan to hit the road. 

Cheꦡers for the brave, truthful class-size panel dissenters in NYC

Hail to the six parents on the city Depart♉ment of Education’s class-size taskforce who dissented from the majority’s recommendations for implementing the pernicious state mandate.

 City Hall imposes budget cuts for NYC schools with declining s🍌tudent enrollment

May🍷or Eric Adams' administration is imposing mid-year budget cuts to public schools with declining student enrollment, officials confirmed Wednesday.

Shameless UFT loses another battle in its unrelenting war on charter kids ꧙

🌠 Success Academy wins again in its David and Goliath battle against the kid- and✃ parent-hating UFT.

The UFT's political power makes it a monster that's destroying kids' future

We can understand Adams not want🍸ing to go head-to-head wi🔜th the UFT when he has so much else on his plate.

The week in whoppers: Biden's blame game, Mulgrew's charter bull and more

Joe B💧iden in 2020 said as president, he would "choose to unite rather than divid♕e."