missing titanic sub

OceanGate CEO said he would 'buy a congressman' to bypass Coast Guard: ex-employee

“I was aghast and basically, after that, I resigned f♓rom the company." ꧒

OceanGate CEO 'knew' his doomed Titan submersible would eventually kill him, friend testifies — as new photos of wreckage released

Stoc🤪kton Rush's longtime friend Karl Stanley told the US Coast Guard the CEO knew he'd never face the consequences of his actions if he died in the Titan submersible.

 OceanGate co-owner to testify about Titan 𝓰submersibl♛e disaster

Businessman Guillermo Sohnlei♕n founded Titan owner OceanGate with Stockton Rush, who was among the five people who died when the submersible imploded in June 2023.

Titan suౠbmersible malfunctioned just days before fatal dive, ex-OceanGate scientific director testifies 

 Rush “crashed into the rear bulkhead, the rest of the pass♔engers tumbled about, I ended up sta♓nding on the rear bulkhead," ex-OceanGate scientific director said. 

Former OceanGate specialist breaks down in tears describing doomed Titan dive: 'Never sold as a Disney ride'

Renata Rojas, aꦬ New York City-based banker, testified on Thursday morning.

New footage of Titan submersible wreck released as p🔴ublic hearing resumes

Remarkable new deep-sea footage shows the US Coast Guard's salvage of pieces of the doomed Titan submersible w🍒reck, including the vessel's aft dome, aft ring and remnants of the hull and...

New deep-sea footage gives c♌losest look yet at doomed Titan submersible wreckage

Eerie new deep-sea footage shows the sunken Titan submersible's severed ta🐼il cone resting on the ocean floor after its doomed voyage last June.

OceanGate whistleblower details Titan's 'appalling' flaws, says CEO Stockon Rush did things 'on the cheap'

David Loc꧂hridge was quickly removed from the Titan project after he repeatedly clashed with CEO Stockton Rush.

OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush crashed a submersible on dive to Andrea Doria wreck years before Titan disaster: 'He wouldn't listen'

Rush insisted♒ on piloting a Cyclops submersible trip to the🐟 Andrea Doria wreck off the Massachusetts coast in the summer of 2016. 

Engineer of doomed Titan submersible: I '100%' felt pressured to get it operating

ꦓ ඣ“I’m not getting in it,” engineer Tony Nissen said he told company chief Stockton Rush several years ago. 

Haunting final photos of Titan submersibl♎e after implosion revealed

The US Co꧋ast Guard has revealed the first image of OceanGate’s doomed Titan submersible, whic🍃h shows the vessel’s severed tail cone eerily resting on the ocean floor.

New photo shows wrecked Titan submersible on ocean floor as it's revealed it had over 100 equipment issues in years leading up to fatal implosion

The US Coast Guard detailed more than 100 i▨ssues that took place in the years leading up to the Titan submersible’s implosion that killed five people last year -- as...

Public hearing could answer long-awaited questions about whatꦓ happened in the disastrous Titan submersible wreck

 A public hearing is set to begin Mo𒊎nday to answer long-awaited ꦛquestions about the implosion of the Titan submersible that killed all five of its passengers on a doomed deep-sea...

Doomed Titan crew suffered 'terror' and 'were well aware they were going to die': lawsuit

The family of French explorer Paul-Henri Nargeolet slapped the $50 million wrongful death lawsuit on the doomed su𝔉b's operator -- OceanGate — on Tuesday, accusing the company of gross negligence given...

Famil꧟y of explorer who died on doomed Titanic submersible seeks♓ $50M in wrongful death suit

 The family of a Titanic explorer who was among tho🍎se killed in last year's submersible implosion has now slapped a $50 million wrongful death la😼wsuit against the doomed sub's operator.

New Tit𒆙anic expedition sets off one year after OceanGate disaster that left five dead

ဣThe mission run by RMS Titanic, Inc. hopes to capture the most detailed images o🌸f the underwater wreck.

Titan submersible victims' family still struggling: 'Every morning it hits me'

“I still wake up every morning and it hits me like a ton of brick🔯s that they’re gone. There’s nowhere to share the grief, we just have to carry it...

OceanGate co-founder to lead dive into 'virtually unexplored' ocean sinkhole year after Titan sub implosion: 'Expect the unexpected'

 “Venturing into uncharted waters, our team will have to ‘expect the unexpectedꦬ.’”

Doomed Titan submersible captain remembered as 'maverick in the worst kind of way' as anniversary of tragedy looms

"Stockton believed in his own ab𝔉ility and was not prepared for a third party view," said one deep-sea explorer.

New twist revealed in doomed Titan submersible investigation unveils tr👍ꦓuth about frightening account logs

There was ▨widespread suspicion when the log documents were released last year, with many questioning whether the transcript between the two vessels w♑as actually legitimate.