morning joe

De Blasio fears coronavirus will 'crescendo' in May before improvement

Mayor Bill de Blasio is worried that♍ the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to explode throughout the next two months. "I fear this crisis is going to start to crescendo through...

Big Apple coronavirus cases up, de Blasio says he won't shut down city

Mayor Bill de Blasio insisted Tuesday that there would be no Italy-style lockdown in the Big App🌱le to contain the coro🐈navirus, even as he announced five new cases to bring...

Nancy Pelosi: AG Barr has gone 'rogue' with alleged Ukraine 'cover-up'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday accused Attorney General William Barr of going “⛄rogue” as she stressed that there “is no cause for any joy” in launching an impeachment inquiry...

De Blasio whines about New York Post 'attacking' his 2020 bid

Mayor Bill🐟 de Blasio claims he's gotten under Donald Trump's skin by entering the 2020 race -- but it seems more like it’s the New York Post that’s ruffled Big...

Mika kicks 'Fire and Fury' author off 'Morning Joe'

 “Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff has s💛unk from the penthouse to the outhouse in the weeks since his error-filled White House tell-all was published — with even some of...

'Morning' Joe wrote a song about the Women's March

Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and . . . Joe Scarboಌrough? On Monday morning, the MSNBC talk show host premie🎃red a protest single on “Morning Joe,” which played against a montage of images and...

Joe and Mika rip Trump for dredg🔯ing up bogus conspiracy theory about dead intern

The hosts of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Thursday ❀blasted President Trump for suggesting in a tweet that Joe Scarborough be investiga🌼ted for an "unsolved mystery" involving the accidental death of...

Trump proposes contest for 'fake news trophy'

President Trump began his post-holiday work week by resuming his bitter war on the news media — propos🅘ing a contest to determine wh༒ich news outlet should win a “FAKE NEWS... 

🦄 Joe Scarborough officially leaves Republican Party

M🙈SNBC host and former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough has made his departure from the GOP official. The "Morning 🅘Joe" anchor said on Twitter on Thursday that he became an independent...

Feud with Trump gave 'Morning Joe' sky-high ratings

 President Trump always said he was a ratings genius. MSNBC's "Morning Joe" saw its ratings surge las♋t Friday, the day after Trump went on Twitter to criticize co-h🐬osts "Psycho Joe" Scarborough...

Trump takes aim at 'NBC bosses' in feud with Joe and Mika

President Trump has a new target in his war of words with “Morning Joe” hosts Joe Scarborough and Mi꧃ka Brzezinski: their NBC bosses. “Crazy 𒁏Joe Scarborough and dumb as a...

Trump asked White House staffers for feedback on 'Morning Joe' tweets

 A source close t🌼o the White House sa🐭id President Donald Trump was asking staffers for feedback on his controversial “Morning Joe” tweets Thursday. “He said to everyone, ‘I know it...

🎃 Mika: Trump complimented my cosmetic surgery before tweets  🐈

President Trump knew that Mika Brzezinski had some cos💃metic surgery done — because she personally told him about it, prompting him to gush about how “incredible” she looked, the “Morning...

Trump says he turned down Joe and Mika's request to kill hit piece

President Trump bla♚sted "Morning Joe" hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough's response to his crude tweets, slamming their show on Friday as “low rated” and "bad." “Watched low rated @Morning_Joe...

 Joe and Mika say Trump is too easil🎶y played

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski responded Friday to President Trump’s deeply personal attack on Twitter by assailing his “fragile” and “easily played ego” — saying she was worried for the United... ജ

Joe and Mika: Trump has an 'unhealthy obsession' with our show

The hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” called on President Trump to end his “unhealthy obsession” with their show — writing in a Friday mornin🦹g op-ed that th🌄ey are convinced he's...

Joe and Mika delay vacation plans to respond to Trump on air ✅

 The hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” delayed their vacation plans so they can return to tꦿhe air Friday morning and fire back at President Trump’s Twitter attack. “Joe and Mika.꧑..

Melania defends Trump's harsh Twitter attack on Mika

The first lady and a White House spokeswoman on Thursday defended President Trum🐻p’s harsh Twitter attack on MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski — w🌺hich critics slammed as sexist. “As First Lady has...

Huckabee Sanders: Trump is the real victim i♏n Mika feud

An administration spokeswoman on Thursday defende๊d President Trump’s crude tweet about a female TV host — arguing that he was the real victim because of all the abuse he gets...

DNC blasts Trump's tweets on Mika as an 'attack on women'

 The Democrati💮c National Committee lambasted President Trump on Thursday for his tweet about "Morning Joe" host Mika Brzezinski, saying his "bullying tweets are an attack on women everywhere." "Trump’s bullying...