navy yard shooting

 Navy Yard shooter did not use AR-15 assaul꧒t rifle ♉

Aaron Alexis did not use an AR-15 assault rifle in his Navy Yard killing spree Monday, a💛uthorities said Tuesday. Alexis rented the deadly weapon, but returned it before unleashing his...

Gunman had 'problems' with Navy bosses

Federal 🎐law-enforcement authorities said Tuesday the former-reservist gunman in the bloody mass murder at the Washingt🍒on Navy Yard wanted to get back into the Navy — but was blocked because...

Profiles emerg🧸e of Navy Yard massacre victims

He didn’t even work in that building. Kenneth Proctor, a civilian utilities foreman at the Washington Navy Yard, worked near the building where the senseless, deadly massacre took place. 🐲"He...

🉐 Gunman started Navy✅ Yard job last week 

WASHINGTON -  Aaron Alexis, the man susp🔥ected of killing 12 people in a shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday only started working there last week, his employer...

DC shooter was 'hearing voices'

Federal lawജ enforcement authorities said Tuesday the gunman in the🎶 bloody mass murder at the Washington Navy Yard was a paranoid nutcase who had been hearing voices in his head....

Navy Yard's role in US military history

The Washington Navy Yard has been a symbol of America’s mili🌠tary might for more than two centuries. The facility was founded in ༺1799 during John Adams’ administration and soon started...

🌳 ✃Death at the Washington Navy Yard

All we know for certain about Monday’s shooting spree at the Washington Navy Yard is a sad fact: It’s the most dea🐭dly attack o🅷n a military installation on our home...

Alexis a Buddhist with a♏ bad temper 

Aaron Alexis was a practicing Buddhist but was hardly Zen — he had a hair-trigger temper that landed him behind bars several time🙈s. The Navy vet, who gunned down 12...

𒐪 Nationals game postponed after Navy Yard shooting

WA▨SHINGTON — The Washington Nationals have postponed Monday night's game against the Atlanta Braves following shootings at the nearby Navy Yard. Th💝e game has been rescheduled as part of a... 

Shooting at the Was🗹hington Na✅vy Yard

🌌 🔜 Police and FBI hunt for shooters at Washington Navy Yard  

𝓀 Russian pol moc𒅌ks DC shooting

In an outrageously ill-timed knock at President Obam🦹a, a Russia’s politician made a mocking reference to “American Exceptionalism” Monday when tweeting about the fatal shootings at the Washington Navy Yard....

DC massacre gunꦏman silently stalk⛦ed victims 

A decorated 💦Navy vet from Queens went on a murderous rampage at the Washington Navy Yard Monday, killing at least 12 people and sparking widespread chaos before cops shot him... ☂