paul ryan

Paul Ryan shoots down Trump's plan to end birthright citizenship

House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday threw cold water on President Trump’s plan to unilaterally end the constitutional right to cit♒izenship for babies born in the States to non-citizens. “You.ꦿ..

Ryan ౠboots iꦓndicted congressman from energy committee

House Speaker Paul Ryan booted Buffalo-area Rep. Chris Collins from the House Energy Committee, the first fallout f💞ollowing the congressman’s indictment Wednesday on charges of insider trading. “While his guilt...

Ryan thinks Trump is just 'trolling people' on social media

 More than 38,000 tweets later, House Speaker Paul Ryan offere꧅d up an insightful analysis of Donald Trump’s Twitter ༺strategy. “I think he is trolling people, honestly. In all caps,” the...

Ryan defends Mueller probe after Trump's summit with Putin

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday tha💖t special counsel Robert Mueller should be allowed to finish his investigation into Russia’s interference in the US election — and that he would...

 House rejects Trump-backed immigration reform bill 🧜

The GOP-led House rejected a compromise immigration bill on Wednesday, despite a last-minute, all-caps Twitter endorsement by President Trump — who had earlier panned the legislation as a waste of... 🎉

Ryan calls tariffs 'basically taxes' amid Trump's Harley-Davidson feud

ꦚ House Speaker Paul Ryan called President Donald Trump's tariffs "basically taxes" on Tuesday — a day after Wisconsin-based Harley-Davidson ✅said it would move some motorcycle production overseas because of retaliatory...

Justice Deparꦓtment hands o𝕴ver classified info to House GOP

 The Justice Department says it has given House Republicans new classified information related to the Russia investigation after lawmakers had threatened to hold officials in contempt of Con🅷gress or even...

Tax cuts💎 w💫ere nice, but the federal deficit is still growing

Paul Ryan, the Wisconsin Republican who is speaker of the House, said yesterday that the tax law changes have already been “mﷺakin🎃g things better” for “working families across America.” Ryan...

 Ryan says House cl𝔉oꦡse to voting on bill to keep immigrant families together

Speaker Paul Ryan said Wednesday that the House will vote Thursday on legislation to keep immigrant families together. "Un💃der this biﷺll, when people are being prosecuted for illegally crossing the...

 Stop breaking up families at꧋ the border ▨

House Speaker Paul Ryan says he wants to stop the mass separation of children from their famil🌼ies along the border, but his bid to fix it is pathetic. And President...

💖 ꦓ  Ryan says he opposes breaking up migrant families

House Speaker Paul Ryan said Thursday he opposed the Trump administration's policy of separating children from their parents after families were detained for crossing the southern bꦿorder illegally. "We don'🐭t... 

Paul Ryan dismisses Trump's 'Spygate' claim

Lame duck House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday said that he agreed with GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy’s assessment tha🐓t there w𝓰as no evidence to support President Trump’s “SPYGATE” claims. “I...

Paul Ryan 'disagrees' with Trump's tariffs against Canada, EU

♛ House Speaker Paul Ryan said on 🌳Thursday that he disagrees with President Trump's decision to impose steep tariff's on steel and aluminum imports from Europe and Canada. "I disagree with...

House fails to pass farm bill꧅ over immig🥂ration fight

House conservatives killed a farm subsidy bill that would have imposed work requirements on food stamp recipients because they didn’t get𝐆 their way on tough immigration reform. The House 🌳Freedom...

House c𒆙haplain pushed out by Ryan r﷽escinds resignation 

The House chaplain who resigned under pressure from Speaker Paul Ryan's staff sa💃id Thursday that he is rescinding his resignation because he did nothing wrong. Rev. Patrick J. Conroy's letter,...

Paul Ryan feels heat over 'unjust' firing of House chaplain

Speaker Paul Ryan came under fire on Friday for his firing of the House chaplain -- with multiple lawmakers on both sides of the aisle calling the decision "bewildering" and... ꧂

P🔯aul Ryan forces out House priest 🥀

 US House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan forced out the Jesuit priest who had served as House chaplain since 2011, in an apparent partisan squabbl✨e, a new report said Thursday....

Paul Ryan 𓄧openly endorses𒁃 Kevin McCarthy as his successor 

WASHINGTON – House Speaker Paul Ryan endorsed Kevin McCarthy, saying he’s the “right person” to lead the GOP. Rep. Steve Scalise, the No. 3 in the G෴OP team, agrees and...

Paul Ryan hints at whom he'd back to replace him as speaker

Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan strongly hinted Wednesday that he would back GOP Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California to replace him as speaker of the House. Ryan told repor🦄ters during...

Paul Ryan's retirement is a loss for the GOP and the nation

Paul Ryan is done with herding cats: He’s stepping down as House speaker come January, and leaving Congress altogether after 20 years. It’s a big loss to the Republican Party... ♓