Rex Tillerson

🐠  Rex Tillerson ousted as secretary 𝓰of state

President Trump announced on Twitter Tuesday that he dumped h༒is secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, and replaced him with CIA Director Mike Pompeo. "Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will...

Tillerson cuts Africa visit short amid pressing US ma🃏tters

​Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who has had to cancel sev൲eral events because of illness, will cut short his first diplomati𒁏c trip to Africa to return to Washington to deal...

Tillerson cancels day's events in Africa due to illness

NAIROBI, Kenya — U.S. Se✨cretary of State Rex Tillerson has canceled a day of events in Kenya due to illness. "The Secretary is not feeling well after a long couple...

Tillerson says it was all Trump's idea to meet with Kim Jong Un

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Friday that President Trump’s s😼udden decision to go to North Korea to meet with dictator Kim Jong Un was the commander-in-chief's alone. “The decision..🔯.

 Til🥃lerson: N. Korea position changed dramatic🌠ally 

DJIBOUTI — US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson drew a distinction Friday between "talks" with North Korea and "negotiations," arguing that Pr🔯esident Donald T🦋rump's willingness to chat with Kim Jong...

No, America: Lebanon is not your friend 💝 🐓

Is Lebanon Am𝓰erica’s friend? The Trump administrati🌜on, like its predecessors, wrongfully believes it can be. Even before arriving in Beirut last week, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, speaking in Jordan,...

🍸 US, South Korea say too soon to talk weapons with North

The US and South Korea agree that d🀅espite the optimism generated by Olympic diplomacy, it’s too soon to talk with North Korea about curbing the North’s nuclear weapons program. Speaking...

 Lebanese officials deny presidꦕent kept Tillerson 🐭waiting 

BEIRUT - The Lebanese presidency de🦂nied that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had been kept waiting ahead of a meeting with President Mich෴el Aoun on Thursday at the presidential...

Team Trump preꩵsses allies to oust ISIS from Iraq, Syria

KUWAIT CITY — The Trump administration, increasingly concerned that the 74-strong coalition it cobbled together to destroy the Islamic State group is losing sight of the prime objective, pressed its... ൩

Tillerson urges State Department 𒈔employees to report sex ha♍rassment

​S​ecretar🌱y of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday that aꦺll State Department employees must step in and intervene if they witness sexual harassment, just days after President Trump knocked abuse...

꧑  US backs Egypt in fight again🌞st ISIS: Rex Tillerson

CAIRO, Feb 12 - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Monday the United States supports Egypt's fight against Islamic Stဣate but reiterated that it advocated free and fair...

Tillerson: Rus☂sians are already targeting the midterm elections 

Se😼cretary of State Rex Tillerson says the Russi𝔍ans are already attempting to interfere in the midterm elections — much like they did with the presidential race in 2016. "We are... 

Tillerson heading to Africa to mop up Trump's 'shithole' mess

꧅ Trump sent a letter to African leaders stat❀ing he “deeply respects” the people of Africa.

 Tillerson v🍬isits new✅s US Embassy in London after Trump trashes it

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson visited the new $1 billion US Embassy in London on Mo💝nday — only days after President Trump slammed the move to new diplomatic quarters as...

Syria: US military presence is an 'aggression' against sovereignty

BEIRUT — The Syrian gove🐻rnment said on Thursday that a U.S. military presence in Syria👍 represented an “aggression” against Syrian sovereignty, and vowed to free the country from any “illegitimate”...

Tillerson noncommittal on presiding at 🦄London e🍸mbassy opening

WASHING𓃲TON — Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is cagey about whether he'll preside over the inauguration of the new US Embassy in London next week. President Donald Trump tweeted last...🍸

The only way to 'negotiate' a North Korean solution

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson chaired a meeting in Vancouver🗹 Tuesday of foreign ministers to strategize allied diplomacy with Nort💃h Korea. Secretary of Defense James Mattis was in Vancouver too,...

Trump: I ඣcanceled London visit beca🐭use of Obama

President Trump has ca♈nceled plans to visit the United Kingdom next month, according to reports out of London on♏ Thursday. Trump will instead send Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in...

Tillerson renews probe into 'sonic attacks' at US Embassy in Cuba

After finding no evidence of sonic attacks at the US Emba🍌ssy in Havana, Secretary of Sta🧜te Rex Tillerson has ordered a renewed inquiry into the issue, reports said. President Trump...

  🍨 Trump considered Kushner for secretary of state ༺

🦋 President Trump thought son-in-law Jared Kushner was doing such a bang-up job as a senior adviser that he contemplated naming him secretary of state, the book “Fire and Fury” claims....