social justice warriors

Now's our chance to finally rein in America's race-gender hysteria

America today is t🌜he closest it’s been in a decade to recovering from its collective bout of racial and sexual hysteria.

SUNY & CUNY profs and students need a꧟ course on free speech

𝓡 College students, faculty and administr☂ators clearly need urgent remedial instruction in freedom of speech and First Amendment values. 

Don't let Biden & Co. force YOUR nest egg to be invested in woke-only companies

Preside🌼nt Joe Biden is coming for your nest egg. For real: A new Biden Labor Department rule aims to steꦰer the retirement funds of 152 million Americans toward companies with...

We shouldn’t expect World Cup players — or a𒅌ny athletes — to be activists ꦿ 

There is nothing wrong with an athlete o🍨pining on politics. The expectation, however, that players will protest — and protest only in a way that is deemed acceptable — has become...

✨ Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is paying the price for going ‘woke’ 🐼

Here are two things that don’t🐎 go together very well: 1.) Selling caffeinated adult milkshakes for six bucks a cup and 2.) hepatitis.

Ritchie Torres' excellent words of Latinx wisdom for the woke

As we’ve noted before, Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-Bx) is a progressive with a difference: namely, a joyful willingness to defy th꧟e party line.

🅰 Disney should take a cue from Netflix on how to handle woke activists

Netflix’s refusal to make any policy concessions should be a model✤ to every company getting bombarded with demands from people who came of age on woke college campuses where it’s...

The language police are doing major harm to their o🉐wn goal of s꧂ocial justice 

Trying to “know my audience” is becoming increasingly difficult because I’m not convinced💯 the loudest voices in the audiences know best how to achieve their/our objective: a more just 🌜society,...

Columbus D♉ay ban proves NYC bureaucrats hate the nation we love

The attack on Columbus Day by New York City's schools is an att🐻ack on꧃ America and it's foundation.

Cancel 🔥culture is out of control — and Gen X is our only hope

First it was Huck Finn. Then it was JK Rowling. Last week it was “The Muppet Show.” This week 💜it’s Dumbo. It’s only a matter of time before “Star Wars”... 𝓀

Politicized, woke and afraid: Gen Z needs t🍌o start thinking critically 

In our increasingly digitized, secular, and ideologically polarized era, my ge꧟neration — Gen Z — has overwhelmingly turned to political activism in their search for meaning. The rise of BLM...

 The moronic social-justi💃ce war on classics 🐈threatens our civilization

It was only a matter of time before Cicero got canceled.  The New York Times the other day profi꧋led Princeton classicist Dan-el Padilla Peralta, who wants to destroy the study of classics...

♕ New York Times ties itself in woke knots: Goodwin

Thunk, thunk. The career guillotine at The New York Times was busy Friday, dispatching two men found wanting by the Purity Police.  When the shock 𝐆wears off, the former employees...

♏  A cop debunks four core myths of the #DefundPolice movement

As a progressive who wants to decriminalize drugs and advance the welfare state, I fit in well in my ⛦Pacific Northwest community. Except, that is, for my job: I’ve been...

'Stolen native land acknowledgment' statements are ultimately meaningless

The 2020 edition of liberalism is fueled by the kind of stranꦕge, self-torturing religious fervor that൲’s so medieval it’s straight out of “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” in which...

For�༒� left-wing purists, moderates — not conservatives — are the true enemy

Opinion writer Bari Weiss got chased out of The New York Time🏅s for her political views — no🍬t because she’s an uncompromising conservative, but because she is a moderate. In...

Drew Brees isn't a 'punk' — he's a patriot

NFL star Drew Brees stepped into a social-media conflagration Wednesday𒐪 when he responded to a question from Yahoo Finance about possible protests in the upcoming football season. In an interview...

Stephen King ignit♏es online fury over controversial🔜 Oscars tweets

Stephen King is under fire on Twitter after downplaying the role of diversity 💛in selecting this year's Academy Award nominees. "I would never cons♔ider diversity in matters of art. Only...

Today's Yale grads aren't qualified to lead in the 21st Century

At Yale, there is seemingly a new protest every week. Each protest carries the same juvenile self-righteousness, enabled by a university administration th💖at never dares to challenge its student body.

�� How left-wing politics transformed collℱeges into battlegrounds

A mob loops a noose around a century-old statue, drags it down with triumphant whoops, then stomps and spits on the twisted metal. A screaming crowd surrounds a lone manꦐ...