state budget

Adaꦰms could get surprise win on mayoral control in $237B NওY state budget deal

Albany lawmakers appeared likely to tuck in a two-year extension of mayoral control over city public schools in the $237 billion handshake deal ♍-- with a few caveats.

 Hochul announces preliminary agreement on $237B NY state budget -- w👍ith new ♐measures on shoplifting

ꦫ The preliminary plan would also allow prosecutors to hit repeat reta♚il thieves with felony charges, and includes measures to crack down on illegal pot stores and kick start housing production... 

Here's hoping Gov. Kathy Hochul doesn't cave in budget talks

Gov. Kathy Hochul is set to cave to progressives in Neꦚw York state budget talks and expand rent control, after also backing down on school-aid cuts. Is there anything she’ll... ♍

Hochul gets on board with key parts of NY 'Good Cause' rent-control bill as state budget housing deal nears

Gov. Kathy Hochul is getting on board with key parts of the “Good Cause Eviction” b🥂ill being pushed by lefty lawmakers.

Some NY state lawmakers skip town to catch solar eclipse as late budget n🍨egotiations drag on

 Some New York state 🐭legislators skipped town Monday to watch the solar eclipse -- even as negotiations on the already-late budget continue to drag on.

As NY lawmakers bust the budget, cash-cow Wal🐠l Street is moving to greener pastures

🍃 Nobody is asking: Where does the money come from?

🍷 NYS Assembly passes stopgap spending plan ahead of eclipse day off as budget talks drag on

Despite being scheduled to be♌ in-session, the legislature’s lower house is ditching Albany on Monday so lawmakers can take the day off to watch the solar eclipse.

Hochul says parts of proposed state school funding changes could be delayed a year, signalไing a compromise

ไ Speaking to repor🉐ters in an impromptu visit to the capitol’s press chambers Thursday, Hochul indicated her and legislative leaders will likely agree to delay the more significant proposed changes to...

 🥃 State blows deadline to hand over critical study on mayoral control o🦄f NYC public schools

Lawmakers have effectively declared Hochul and New York City May🦩or Eric Adams’ ask for a two-year extension of mayoral control within the state budget dead, with the delayed report putting...

NY state budget talks drag on with little clear agreement on Hochul's housing plan

🐼 The feasibility of Gov. Kathy Hochul’s proposal for a major package of legislation meant to develop more housing in the Empire st🗹ate looks more and more questionable.

New York's costly consumer-protection insanity just won't stay dead

Gov. Kathy Hochul and Albany Dems are trying to 𒈔push a version of a bill that would wreak 💛economic havoc on the state.

Advocates again hold school arts programs hostage: Don't pay the ransom

Advocates are once again ramping up their scare tactics over school arts programs to squeeze more funding, but New York City already spends more than any other l𝔉arge city in...

NY state budget talks to c🦋arry on into next week -- again blowing past deadline

🌳 Blowing the deadline doesn’t come as much of a surprise🤡 as negotiators have been casting doubt on an on-time final deal being reached before allowing lawmakers to go home before... 

Albany can't let insane NY housing laws send Bronx back to bad old days

As a bui꧅lding worker strike looms, the Legislature and Gov. Hochul cannot let The Bronx burn again.

NY Assembly Speaker Heastie refuses to back tougher sentences for criminals who attack retail workers ⛦

The speaker’s refusal to budge would be a blow to Gov. Kathy Hochul, who specifically called �ꦰ�for tougher penalties on thugs who assault retail workers. 

NY lawmakers not likely to make April ꧒1 state budget deadline — but may have deal in place soon

State lawmakers are expected to blow their April 1 budget deadline as talks drag on over potential cuts in education and Medicaid spending and how to build more affordable housing. 𓄧

 Labor group head suddenly resigns days after romance ﷽between its lobbyist and N💮Y assembly speaker revealed

꧒ Days after it was revealed👍 New York Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, 56, is dating a lobbyist for a labor group, its executive director is stepping down, the Post has learned.

Kudos to 𒐪Mark Levine and other 🔜lefties on move to finally end this NYC housing insanity

Manhattan Borough President Mark Leviജne, joined by other lefties on the City ﷽Council, is mounting an attack on a 1961 law that's hurt NYC housing for decades.

Pass a state budget that addresses New York's most urgent issues

As New York state lawmakers finalize their spending plan, here's what Alܫbany must do in their budget deal to save New York.

Defe🍰nd your Medicaid and🗹 school-aid cuts, Gov. Hochul

The central conflict in this year's state budget negꦅotiations is that Gov. Hochul wants to rein in the fastest-growing spending categories. ⭕