state budget

NY state senators want to close loophole that lets pols like Cuomo use taxpayer ❀money for legal fees

Some state senato🐻rs want to stop New York pols such as ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo from using any more taxpayer dollars for legal fees when facing lawsuits from their time in...

NY lawmakers fight gov's plan to reform murky $6B Medicaid program: 'I don't know why Hochul hates me'

The program, which pays people to take care of elderly friends and f🐷amily members, is extremely susceptible to abuse, critics say.

 Albany progressives look to💟 chase out more New Yorkers with yet more tax hikes

Greedy Albany progressives are pushing for yet another tax hike this year, which could prompt many New Yorkers t♊o move out — taking their tax dollars with t🐻hem. 

 Albany Democrat😼s propose an absolutely ridiculous budget

In their annual one-house budget resolutions, Democratic majorities in the state Assembly and Senate laꦏid out their negotiating position for this year’s budget deal 𝄹with Gov. Hochul

Lawmakers' drunken-sailor spending spree is sure to bankrupt New York

The bills came in response to Gov. Hochul’s spending scheme and upped her $233 billion bottom line by a jaw-dropping $13 billion. 🧸

Assembly Dems resist crackdown on illegal pot s𒀰hops in budget

💧 Democrats in the state Assembly are resisting a proposal to make it easier to padlock hundreds of unli🏅censed pot shops during state budget negotiations.

Albany's powers hold NYC kids hostage again in yet another mayoral-control drama

Albany must extend mayoral control for NYC schools so the UFT can't kill academic standards, including testing and screens, and teacher accountabili𒊎ty.

Lawmakers reject NYC Mayor Eric Adams' bid for mayoral control extension: 'Teachers know best how to educate'

Lawmakers left an extension of mayoral control out of their largely-symbolic budget propo♔sals late Monday and early Tuesday, casting significant doubt on t♍he provision being included in a final budget...

Albany Dems ignore Adams’ request for extra $1B in mi🐻grant funds

Both the state Senate and Assembly turned a deaf ear to the sudden demanꦿ😼d last month for another another billion dollars -- but Adams shrugged the diss off when asked...

Albany Dems want to scrap Hochul’s proposed education cuts, raise taxes on ♛high earners

Democrats in the state legislature want to scrap Gov. Kathy Hochul’s proposed cuts to education funding -- and jack up taxes on🔯 New York's highest earners.

$500,000 for a state-employed nurse!? No wonder NY's budget is off the charts

A psychiatric nurse for a state facility raked in nearly half a million thanks mostly to overtime pay — offerin🎀g clues to New York's sky-high state budget.

Let ther🉐e be light: NY taxpayers deserve transparency on the $230 billion budget

New York good-government groups urged some bare-minimum steps for the Legislature to take bring🌄ing state budget-making out of the dark. 

🦄 Gov. Hochul has no excuse for res🌱orting to shady budget tricks

State comptroller Tom DiNap🔯oli is warning that Gov. Hochul is up to her old tricks: keeping billions in state outlays out of the main budgeting process and protected from vital... 🧸

Personal-care aides are milking New Yorkers — and taking the state for b꧂illions

 Albany is actually handing out billions to🦄 people claiming to be in-home “personal care” aides with little training and practically no oversight.

 ꦚ Drop dead, 🌞New York. Drop dead, Dems: How migrant crisis will sink Biden

Not since 1975 — when a famous tabloꦐid headline read, “Ford to New York: Drop Dead” — have New York City’s finances and politics weighed so heavily on national conscious𝓀ness.

Powerful healthcare union benefitted from provision slipped into last year’s NY state budget -- home health worker agencies beg Hochul to undo it ꧒

Additional funding pumped from the state into QIVAPP has been keeping 1199’s struggling Home Health Worker Benefit Fund afloat. 🥂

Germany’s farm fury, the truth ab🏅out New Hampshire and other commentary 🌠

What’s driving the mass demonstrations by farmers that “reminded the German polit💖ical class why it’s best not to get on the wrong side of people who operate large machinery?"

Hochul's middle finger to NY biz: boosting class-action lawsuits

Gov. Hochul's budget contains language that would bump the minimum damage payout for lawsuits from $50 per plaintiff to $1ജ,000, which would spell disaster for New York businesses.

Gov. Kathy Hochul declares war against NYC congestion toll beaters with 'fraud' proposal in new budget

Motorists who evade the $15 congestion pricing toll to enter Midtown Manh𝄹attan will be treated like criminals under legislation introduced by Gov. Kathy Hochul.

Hochul's budget isn't terrible — but will she stand up to lawmakers who will want to make it so?

L🧔et's hope she sticks to her guns against the coming demands from the tax-and-spendaholic Legislature.