the de blasio transition

Bosom buddies🍎: Adams leaning on Bloomberg, de Blasio for advice during transition

Mayor E🤪ric Adams is picking the brains of his past two predecessors on ho🎶w to govern America's largest city.

🦩  De Blasio to tap parks commissio🌃ner

♋ Mayor Bill de Blasio will appoint former American Planning Association President Mitchell Silver parks commissioner on Friday, according to Crain’s New York. Silver, the chief planning and de🌼velopment officer for...

🔯 Ra🌳nks of de Blasio ‘do nothing’ paid staffers grow

Mayor🐬 de Blasio’s nonworking staffers are still enjoying themselves at city taxpayers’ expense — and their rank💃s seem to be growing. A day after The Post revealed on Tuesday that...

𒅌 Idle de Blasio staffers paid to play while waitiꦫng for roles

More than a dozen mayoral staffers have been awaiting job placements for three weeks — and have so li🐼ttle to do that they’re watching Netflix and playing 💃cards while on...

Mayor's team mum on lavish transition spending

Mayor de Blasio’s office refuses to explain several lavish expenses incurred during his ཧtransition. The mayor-in-waiting’s aides spent $601 for one night at The W Hotel in DC on Dec.꧅...

De Blasio's transition team drops big bucks

🤪 When they w𝓀eren’t gearing up to fight for the poor, members of Bill de Blasio’s transition team were spending like the 1  percent. Campaign-finance reports released Wednesday show that the...

Officials b♍otch de Blasio swearing in for Canadian VIPs

Novice city officials botched a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a Canadian couple to see this week's mayoral inauguration up close -- yanking their VIP spots near the City Hal൩l stage at... 💮

De Bl൲asio’s national impact ꧃

There are three questions about Bill de Blasio. First, and most obvious, is how he will do as mayor when it comes to the things 🍸that really matter — providing...

 ౠ Spitzer gal pal Lis Smith, de Blasio split ༒

Eliot Spitzer’s gal pal Lis Sm🍒ith won’t be sticking with Team de Blasio, sources told The Post Thursday. Smith, the new mayor’s spokeswoman following his come-from-behind primary campaign and during the transition,...

Bill de Blasio tak꧑es office as NYC’s 109th mayor

Now it’s official: After twಌo swearings-in — one at midnight New Year’s Eve at his home in Brookly🐷n, one the following noon by Bill Clinton on the steps of City...

Bloomberg blasted at 🉐de Blasio swearing in

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! Mayor de Blasio’s inaugural guests took turns beating up on former Mayor Mike ꦍBloomberg🌃 at City Hall Wednesday — even... 

De Blasio vows 'fairer, more progressive' city in inaugural address

🎉 They’re about to turn the city on its head. Mayor de Blasio, flanked by his wife and two teenage kids, used his formal inauguration to promise that New York will... 🎉

Historic Bible goes missing after de Blasಌio swearing in

The FDR bible used by Mayor Bill de Blasio for his swearing in vanished after the New Year’s Day ceremony, sparking a panicked🌟, hours-long search for the historic tome. “♌They...

Mayor Bꦛill de Blasio takes oath of office 𝓡

Mayor de Blasio vowed to take New York City i🧸n “a new progressive direction,” telling a crowd of 5,000 gathered Wednesday for his inauguration at City Hall: “We won’t wait....

𒊎 Will Bill de Blasio meet Bloomberg standards?

Attention, New Yorkers: Start the new year with a prayer for our new mayor. Given the enormous challenges he faces, Bill de Blasi♛o will need more than ordinary 🤡help. Divine...

De Blasioꦦ takes reins at City Hall

One era ended and a new one began one minute past midnight Wednesday as Michael Bloom­berg turned over the reins of City Hall to New York Citღy’s 109th mayor, Bill...

2 gover❀nment vets to head de Blasio’s municipal-labor team

Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio tapped two veteran government hands to ❀tackle one of the toughest tasks of the new admℱinistration: labor talks. That’s because roughly 150 municipal contracts need renewal...

 ꦫ Bill de Blasio sworn in as 109th🎐 mayor of NYC

One era ended and a new one🐼 began one minute past midnight Wed🗹nesday as Michael Bloomberg turned over the reins of City Hall to New York City’s 109th mayor, Bill...

Bloomberg bids farewell after last day at City Hall 💫

Mayor Bloomberg’s 12-year run of city government ended at 5:05 p.m. Tuesday, when he emerged for the last time from City Hall and 🉐was greeted by hundreds of well-wishers. A... 

 Bloomb𝕴erg to de Blasio: Do a good job

He ran as the anti-Bloomberg candidate. But Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio told the outgoing mayor in a chance encounter Tuesday that he'd like to collaborate with him on certain pr💫ojects...